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What is Willingham Youth Trust?

In 2008, a questionnaire was sent around every home in Willingham and the results of the survey were used to produce the Willingham Village Plan. To help to make the plan work, Willingham Action Group, (WAG) was established to work alongside Willingham Parish Council and South Cambs District Council.


One of the key areas highlighted by the survey was lack of youth services, and the need for more facilities for our growing number of young people. A sub-group of WAG was established to hold further public consultation and develop these ideas and proposals.


Willingham Originalz, a weekly youth club night, was first run in 2010 and quickly demonstrated the need for this kind of provision as well as a more permanent home for youth services. In 2010, the sub-group became Willingham Youth Trust, a registered charity, and we have only grown from there, acquiring regular funding enabling us to run a weekly youth club and a Youth Centre courtesy of the Parish Council. 


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